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What is AIOps | AIOps Use Cases | DevOps For Beginners | DevOps Training | NTIRAWEN

Why do we need AIOPs ?

  • Environments are generating a tsunami of data.
  • Traditional IT Management solutions cannot keep up with the volume.
  • AIOps provides visibility into performance  data and dependencies.

What is AIOPS ?

AIOps stands for Artificial Intelligence IT Operations. It refers to multi-layered technology platforms that automate and enhance IT Operations through Analytics and Machine Learning (ML).

AIOps Platform Enabling continuous insights acress IT operation monitoring (ITOM)


 To accomplish the goal of continuous insights and improvements.

AIOps bridges three different IT disciplines:

  • Service Management ("Engage")
  • Performance Management ("Observe")
  • Automation ("Act")

The Elements of AIOps 

  • Extensive and Diverse IT Data
  • Aggregated big data Platform
  • Machine Learning
  • Observe 
  • Engage
  • Act

How does AIOps Work ?

Review the role that each AIOps component technology-

Big Data, Machine Learning, and Automation- plays in the process.

AIOps applies Analytics and Machine Learning capabilities :

  • Separate event alerts from the 'noise'.
  • Identify causes & propose solutions
  • Automate responses
  • Learn continually

 AIOps Benefits :-

1. Achieve faster mean time to resolution (MTTR).

2. Go from Reactive to proactive to predictive management.

3. Modernize your IT Operations and your IT operations team.

AIOps Usegases :

1. Anomaly / Threat detection

2. Event Correlation

3. Intelligent alerting & escalation

4. Incident auto-remediation

5. Capacity optimization

The Future of AIOps :

  • Technology becomes more human
  • The automation of technology, & hence, business processes
  • Enterprise ITOps gains DevOps agility
  • Data becomes currency

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