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Top 10 Mobile Application Frameworks 2021 | Best Mobile Development Framework | Android with Latest Technology

Mobile Application are software that are created to run on devices such as smartphones, tablets  or a watch to perform various tasks.

Mobile application development is the process of creating software applications that run on a mobile device, and a typical mobile application utilizes a network connection to work with remote computing resources. Hence, the mobile development process involves creating install able software bundles (code, binaries, assets, etc.) , implementing back-end services such as data access with an API, and testing the application on target devices.


Type of Mobile Application :

Native Application :-  Native Application are designed to run on a particular platform such as Android, Windows, or IOS.

These are mobile applications designed for a specific operating system or platform. They are encoded using several programming languages ​​such as Java, Kotlin, Python, Swift, C ++, or React.

Example : WhatsAPP , Facebook etc....

Web-based Application :- Web-based Application required internet connectivity and are written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

They are very sensitive in design, as they can work in any web browser on a mobile device. Web applications are not standalone applications, and users must download and install them. They have been developed using programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, Ruby, CSS, and HTML5 

Example : Google Map, FT etc....

Hybrid Application :-  Hybrid Application is combination of both Native and Web-based Application.

These mobile applications are a mixture of both native and web applications. Hybrid applications use a combination of different web technologies and different native APIs. They are built using languages ​​like Ionic, HTML5, and Swift. 

Example : Instagram, Twitter etc....


Top 10 Mobile Application Frameworks 

1. Mobile Angular UI :- Mobile Angular UI makes use of Angular and Bootstrap to build HTML5 hybrid mobile Application .

Features : 

  • Excellent documentation
  • Embedded with Bootstrap
  • Makes use of Angular directions
  • Provides mobile components 

 2. Appcelerator Titanium :- Appcelerator Titanium makes use of Angular and Bootstrap to build HTML5 hybrid mobile Application. 

Features :

  • Code reusability
  • Seamless integration
  • Drag-and drop palette
  • Bi-directional updates
  • Combines and normalizes data 

 3. NativeScript :- NativeScript creates application that are completely native using JavaScript or TypeScript.

Features :

  • Can use any view as the root
  • Allows more than one frame
  • Templates can be updated
  • Provides LiveSync and Webpack

 4. jQuery Mobile :- jQuery is touch-optimized framework that can create cross-browser compatible application.

Features :

  • Compatible with all mode browsers
  • Built on top on jQuery core
  • Allows theme customization
  • Lightweight
  • HTML5-driven and Ajax-powered
  • Touch-optimized UI widgets 

 5. Corona :- Corona is cross platform framework that is also known as 20 game engine.

Features : 

  • Build once use anywhere
  • Makes use of Lua
  • Supports plugins and third-party packages
  • Free and open-source

 6. PhoneGap :- Phonegap allows you to build mobile application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Features :

  • Free and Open-source
  • Robust backend
  • Wonderful documentation
  • Easy to use
  • Taps to the device's hardware

 7. Iconic :- Iconic open-source SDK that allows you to build hybrid, desktop and prograssive web applications.


  • Complete app development kit 
  • Supports rapid app development and Appflow
  • Community support
  • Iconic CLI
  • Web components   

8.  Xamarin :- Xamarin is build .NET and C# and can be used to create application for IOS, Android, and Windows.

Features : 

  1. Underlying SDKs are completely bound
  2. Allows invoking libraries from various languages
  3. Modern language constructs 
  4. Robust Base Class Library or BCL
  5. Modern IDE
  6. Mobile cross-platform support

 9. Flutter :- Flutter was developed by Google and it is used to create mobile application for ios and Android.

Features :

  • Excellent documentation
  • Uses Dart Framework
  • Rich Flutter API
  • Facilities testing
  • Strong CLI
  • CI/CD supports

10. React Native :- React Native is a cross-platform mobile application development framework created by Facebook.

Features : 

  • Write once use everywhere
  • Makes use of JavaScript
  • Strong community support
  • Plugins and third-party packages
  • Live reload
  • Cost efficient testing

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