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6 Machine Learning Project Ideas | Machine Learning Projects

1. Stock Prices Predictor 

       With so much data available on the stock market, It is a hotbed of opportunities for data scientists with an inclination for finance.

2. Sports Predictor 

      You could also opt for enhancing team management by analyzing the strengths and weakness of the players in a team and classifying  them accordingly.

3. Develop A Sentiment Analyzer 

      Create a Machine Learning (ML) system that could analyzer the sentiment behind texts and posts on social media to understand what customers are saying about your brand.

4. Enhance Healthcare 

    You can work diagnostic care systems that can automatically scan images, X-rays, etc., preventative care applications that can predict malaria, cancer etc.

5. Develop A Neural Network That Reads Handwriting 

     Deep Learning and neural network have given us technological marvels like driver less car, image recognition, and so on.
 Now go ahead and put to test all the knowledge that you've gathered to build your very own machine learning projects !

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