- Arithmetic Operators : =, +, -, *, /, %
- Comparison Operator : ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
- Boolean Operator : &&, ||, !
- Bitwise Operator : &, |, ^, ~, <<, >>,
- Compound Operator : ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, |=, &=
Control Statement
If statement
- if(condition){
condition is true ;
If... Else statement
- If(condition) {
condition is true ;
Statements if the
condition is false;
If .... Elseif.....Else
- If (condition1){
condition1 is true;
else if (condition2){
Statements if the
condition1 is false
and condition2 is true;
Statements if both the
condition are false;
Switch Case
- Switch(choice)
case opt1: statement_1;break;
case opt2: statement_2;break;
case opt3: statement_3;break;
case default: statement_default; break;
Conditional Operator.
- Val=(condition)?(statement1):(Statement2)
For loop
- for(initialize; condition;increment){
While loop
- while(condition){
Do... While loop
- do{
Statement till the condition is true;
} while(condition);
Nested loop : Calling a loop inside another loop
Infinite loop : Condition of the loop is always true, the loop will never terminate
- Collection of elements having homogenous datatype that are stored in adjacent memory location.
- The conventional starting index is 0.
- Declaration of array :
Ex: int arre[5];
- Alternative Declaration:
int arre[]={0,1,2,3,4};
int arre[5]={0,1,2}
- Multi-dimentional array Declaration :
Ex: int arre [row] [col] [height];
Array of characters with NULL as termination is termed as a String.
Declaration using Array:
char str[] = "ABCD";
char str[4];
- str[0]='A'
- str[0]='B'
- str[0]='C'
- str[0]='0'
- String str="ABC"
Functions of String Object :
- str.ToUpperCase() : change all the characters of str to upper case
- str.replace(str1,str2) : is str1 is the sub string then it will be replaced by str2
- str.length(): returns the length of the string without considering null
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