Puppet is a configuration management tool developed by Puppet Labs in order to automate infrastructure management and configuration.
Puppet is a very powerful tool which helps in the concept of infrastructure as code.
Features of Puppet System
Puppet is a very powerful tool which helps in the concept of infrastructure as code.
Features of Puppet System
- Idempotency
- Cross-platform
Puppet - Workflow
Puppet - Key Components :
- Puppet Resources
- Providers
- Manifest
- Modules
- Templates
- Files
Puppet - Intallation
Puppet works on the client server architecture, wherein we call the server as the Puppet master and the client as the Puppet node.
This setup is achieved by installing Puppet on both the client and well as on all the server machines.
Prerequisites :
Factor is the only per-requisite that does not come along with Ohai which is present in Chef.
Standard OS Library :
- base64
- cgi
- digest/md5
- etc
- fileutils
- ipaddr
- openssl
- strscan
- syslog
- uri
- webrick
- webrick/https
- xmlrpc
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